Onsite education is a poorly utilised service which can save $$$ from your annual premiums. How great is your risk, as an employer, when you start a new worker and they are not educated in safe lifting? As a cost v risk ratio, we believe our onsite education delivers.
Key aspects of our onsite education include:
- Introduction
- Overview of physical demands in the workplace
- Prevalence and type of injuries commonly seen
- Emphasis on health work habits to influence healthy lifestyle (and vice versa)
- Low Back Pain
- basic anatomy, common causes, common injurie, statistics on prevalence in society
- Safe Lifting
- technique checklist
- demonstration
- practice
- General Health & Wellbeing
- current food guidelines
- current alcohol intake guidelines
- current smoking guidelines
- current exercise guidelines
- What to do in the event of an injury at Work?
For more information contact The Physio Centre on 03 87688111 or email info@physiocentre.com.au.