If you have experienced foot or ankle pain you will appreciate the difficulties.

Common symptoms of ankle and foot pain that we see clients for include:

  • Acute pain following twisting of an ankle
  • Inability to weight bear due to trauma/force
  • Stiffness/clicking of the ankle
  • Swelling of the ankle
  • Pain to the back of the ankle secondary to repetition
  • Pain/swelling on the inside if the ankle which varies relative to footwear worn

Whilst a significant proportion of ankle and foot injuries occur due to trauma,  there are a vast range of overuse injuries that can also occur. Our thorough staff will include a biomechanical assessment of your walking or running, along with guidance in appropriate footwear choices or even referring on to other providers such as podiatrists where appropriate.

So whether it be a sprained lateral ligament (did you know it’s the weakest and most injured ligament in the body?), achilles tendonitis, talar dome fracture or tibialis posterior dysfunction we can assist your needs.

For assistance with your ankle & foot pain, call us on 03 87688111 or book online here.