Have you been unfortunate enough to have an acute knee injury and don’t know what to do about it? Or have you had knee pain develop from relative or repetitive overuse or through the sporting pursuits you love? Did you know that physiotherapists can accurately assess the knee using diagnostic testing to assist with diagnosis and management (that’s right, not everything requires an MRI!).

Common symptoms of knee pain that we see clients for include:

  • Acute pain following twisting or side on force or following a sudden stop +/- twist
  • Acute pain following knee cap instability/excessive movement
  • Acute pain following a sensation of a pop or direct blow to muscles above or below the knee
  • Pain around the kneecap related to a repetitive task or sport
  • Pain in children or adolescents, often associated with a spike in activity level or change in demand of sport
  • Pain following surgical management, inclusive of arthroscopy, replacement and reconstruction

Whilst we sometimes are the bearer of bad news in terms of first contact for acute knee injuries (and also to your children when a reduction in activity is required), we will strive to give you the best explanation of what your injury is and how we can best approach resolution of your symptoms.

So whether it be a sprained medial collateral ligament, meniscal tear, bursitis, acute muscle strain or Osgood Schlatter’s disease in your child (worry not, it’s a reversible disease!) we can assist your needs.

For assistance with your knee pain, call us on 03 87688111 or book online here.