Is there a more debilitating injury than one to your dominant arm? Designed to provide a link to the mouth for feeding, we use our upper limbs in hundreds of day-to-day activities.

Common symptoms of elbow, wrist and hand pain that we see clients for include:

  • Elbow pain on gripping, twisting and lifting tasks
  • Wrist pain following fall onto outstretched hand
  • Wrist pain following acute jarring incident
  • Pins and needles or numbness into the hand, especially at night
  • Pain into the thumb with flexing movements

Unlike other body regions imagery can be helpful in determining the best management for your approach. In addition, we also stock a wide range of bracing products to assist with recovery. So whether it be a tennis or golfers elbow, wrist sprain or repetitive overuse injury, nerve compression or thumb pain, we can assist your needs.

For assistance with your elbow, wrist & hand pain, call us on 03 87688111 or book online here.